Today I am going to talk about a movie that scared me a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean it. This movie was quite scary but the weird thing is  the movie contained very little jump-scares. Then how is it scary you ask? Well you see, a horror movie need not contain a lot a jump-scares to make it scary. The movie is scary because it portrays the truly horrifying things in life : having a kid. Okay just kidding. The movie portrays not things that make you freak out but things that make you emotionally disturbed. Like  grief, loneliness and despair. These things do not freak you out but instead make you feel, um well it makes you feel human. That is why the Babadook  is so scary. Now we'll get into the movie.[If you are going to watch the movie and don't want any spoilers then get out of here]


Okay. So the movie starts with a mother, whose name is Amelia, and her 6 year old son, Samuel and their dog, Bugsy.  Amelia's husband, Oskar died in a car accident while driving Amelia to the hospital when she was pregnant with Samuel.[I may not call Samuel as Samuel throughout the explanation, I might call him as Sam too]. Sam's behavior becomes erratic. He is convinced that some kind of monster in the house is trying to harm them . 

He starts making dangerous weapons and one day he took one those weapons to school it almost hit a child in the eye. Soon enough, Amelia was called to the principal's office due to her son's behavior. There, her son was suspended from school.

 One night, while tucking her son in, Sam asks Amelia to read him a book and Amelia tells him to pick a book. Sam asks his mother to read a pop-up book called Mister Babadook. The book is about a pale, tall monster wearing a top hat which torments its victims after they realize its presence. Amelia is disturbed by the book's content, especially one of the sentences that says "you can't get rid of the Babadook" and doesn't know how it got there.

 Amelia hides it on top of a book shelf and reads another book for Sam. Sam is convinced that the Babadook is the monster that is trying to harm them. Sam keeps persisting Amelia that the Babadook is real and due to this, Amelia has sleepless nights while she tries to convince her son that the Babadook is not real. 

Soon after, mysterious events occur. Doors open and close on their own, they hear weird sounds and Amelia find shards of glass in the porridge she made for them. While Sam persists that he didn't do all this and says that the Babadook did it, Amelia doesn't believe him and blames him for all this. Amelia get fed up with all the monster and Babadook stuff from Sam and rips the Mister Babadook  book and throws it away.

Later, at the birthday party of Ruby, who is the daughter of Amelia's sister, Claire, Ruby bullies Sam for not having a father and Sam pushes her out of the tree house, resulting in Ruby breaking her nose. Now, Claire admits that she hates being around Sam and tells Amelia and Sam to get out from her house.

On the way home, Sam has a vision of the  Babadook  and suffers a seizure. Sam gets taken to a doctor. The doctor says to wait a few days before the scan results come back but Amelia tells the doctor about how he does not sleep he doesn't let her sleep as well. Not having another choice, he gives some sedatives(sleeping pills) to Amelia.

The next morning, Amelia wakes up to the sound  of the doorbell. She opens it to find no one but just a book lying at the doorstep. It was the Mister Babadook  book. Amelia looks around to find who put it on the doorstep just to find no one there. She takes the book inside and opens it to find the pages glued together, Only this time there was one more sentence which wasn't there last time. It said "I'll wager with you, I'll make you a bet, The more you deny me, The stronger I get" and there was a pop-up that wasn't there before as well. The pop-up was of Amelia strangling Bugsy and herself.

Terrified, she burns the book and goes straight to the police station after getting a strange phone call  and the person on the other end of the line said nothing but "baba....dook...dook..dook" . But she has no proof of someone stalking her and she already burnt the book. The police thought she was lying and playing some kind of trick on them and she turned around and saw the sauit of the babadook making her leave the place.

That night, as she tries to fall asleep, she sees the Babadook open her bedroom door, crawl up the ceiling and attack her. After this, she turns on all the lights in the huse and falls asleep with Sam downstairs.

After the attack, Amelia becomes more isolated and impatient, shouts at Samuel for not listening to her. She behaves violently such as cutting the phone with a knife, then waving the same knife at Sam.

After this Amelia sees Oskar, offers to return to her if she "brings the boy" to him. Realizing that he is just a hallucination created by the Babadook, She runs and the Babadook chases her until it finally possesses her. Being possessed, she strangles Bugsy and attempts to kill Sam.

After luring her into the basement, Sam knocks her out with on of his weapons. When she wakes up and tries to strangle Sam, He gently caresses her face making her vomit an black substance, which appears to have meant that the Babadook was no longer possessing her.

Sam pointed out to Amelia that  "you can't get rid of the Babadook"  and suddenly, he gets dragged into Amelia's bedroom. Luckily, she caught him in time but the Babadook gives her a vision of the car crash in which her husband died. Facing her fear, she confronts the Babadook making it flee to the basement and she locks the door behind it.

Eventually, Amelia and Sam recovered she is kind towards him and pays attention to his magic tricks.  In the garden, Sam helps his mom to gather worms and she goes inside the house and tells Sam to wait outside until she tells him to come in. She goes into the basement and places the bowl of worms on the floor. The Babadook  tries to attack her but she speaks softly to comfort it and it retreats to the corner, pulling the bowl with it. She goes out to celebrate Sam's birthday .



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