Looking for some creepy Japanese urban legends? I won't lie some of them are pretty creepy! but they are very interesting at the same time too. These are some of my personal favourite legends.

KUCHISAKE-ONNA [ The slit-mouthed woman ]
       Kuchisake-Onna is another Japanese legend that will give you the creeps! Kuchisake-Onnawas a very beautiful woman who after her death, comes back as a evil spirit to take revenge. The story of her death goes like this, a long time ago a very beautiful woman once went to a dentist and the woman who was her dentist got very jealous about Kuchisake-Onna's beauty and cut her mouth with her dental scissors. Kuchisake-Onna wears a surgical mask to hide her scar and usually roams  the streets especially on dark and gloomy nights, looking for her next victim. She goes up to the victim and asks "Am I pretty?" and if you answer no, she will kill you immediately and if you answer yes, she will take off her mask and show you her true face and ask again "Am I still pretty?" If you show any signs of fear or reply as no, she will kill you. If you reply yes, she will slice your mouth from ear to ear to resemble her own scar. However, in some variations of the story, if you answer yes to both questions, she will let you go. Another method is to say "Meh, you're average" or "I'm busy" and she will let you go.
MORAL : don't roam around in streets in Japan at night. you never know if a pretty lady will come up to you and ask you "am I  pretty?" and then anyhow you get yourself killed.

HACHISAKUSAMA [ 8 foot tall lady ]
       Hachisakusama is a Japanese urban legend about a woman who kidnaps kids while chanting a very creepy "po, ppo, po".you might have heard of her as the 8 foot tall lady as well. No one really knows who she is. "Hachi" means 8 and " saku" is an old Japanese measurement and "sama" means miss or lady . According to the legend,  Hachisakusama is described as a 8 foot tall woman with long, black hair and wearing a long white dress with a quite big white hat.  She never really walks and always floats on thin air  and sneaks up on the kids and chants "po,po,po" and when the child realizes her presence, she disappears and in 4-5 days that child will go missing , never to be seen again.
MORAL : You got no way out one of this my friend.

      Hanako-San is the spirit of a young girl who died in the World War II when her school was bombed. Hanako-San wears a red skirt over a white shirt which is her school uniform. Summoning Hanako-San is like a bravery test done by students similar to Bloody Mary or Blue Baby. You can find Hanako-San in the fourth stall in the bathroom that is on the third floor. To summon her, you must go to the fourth stall in the bathroom of the third floor and knock on the door three times and ask "Are you there Hanako-San?" a chilling voice will answer "Yes I am here" which will send shivers down your spine. Then you will hear a flushing sound meaning Hanako-San is no longer there.
MORAL : don't go around summoning Asian ghosts and DON'T use school restrooms in Japan.

      Aka Manto is another Japanese urban legend that haunts restrooms like Hanako-San and Aka Manto also wears a red cloak. But unlike Hanako-San, who haunts school bathrooms, and leaves you alone and doesn't do anything to harm you, Aka  Manto  haunts public restrooms and asks "Red paper or  blue paper?" if you answer red, Aka Manto will kill you until the blood soaks all over your clothes making it red. But if you choose blue, He will strangle you until you turn blue. How to escape from Aka Manto you ask? all you have to do is answer any other colour like purple, yellow, ect. Or another way is to simpy ignore the question. But the best way possible? just don't use public restrooms in Japan! You'll thank me one day.
MORAL: for god's sake just don't use restrooms in Japan unless its in your house.

       The Red Room is an internet pop-up circulating the web in the late 1990's. First the pop-up only has the words "Do You Like?" and a deep and chilling voice will say the words "do you like?" of course anyone would try to close the creepy pop-up but no matter how many times one tries to close the pop-up, it will appear again only each time you try to close the pop-up, it will slowly reveal the rest of the sentence and again, the voice will read the words on the screen, "Do You Like The Red Room?"
Then finally, when one can close the pop-up, to their horror, the screen will show a black background with a list of the past victims of this creepy curse. Soon they will start feeling a presence around the even though there is no one there. When they try to escape from the room they are in, they will find the doors and  windows are locked. And soon, they are slowly driven to kill themselves, and the walls of the room is painted with their blood. Now I think you understand why it is called THE RED ROOM.
MORAL : don't- oh well never mind it's not like you can avoid internet forever wait- can you?

     Tomino's Hell is a poem by Saijo Yaso. According to the legend, whoever reads the poem aloud will either bring them extreme bad luck or.... I think you know what will happen at this point. If you read it aloud you will experience great misfortune or you will die. The poem is quite disturbing and gruesome as well. A lot of people think that you will die only if you read the poem in its original language, which is Japanese but  I think you will still die even if you read it in another language. Out of curiosity, I ws researching more about this poem when I came across a bizarre reported incident about the movie director Shuji Terayama. He seemed to have been fascinated by the poem so much that he even made a film made on it!( And in case you were wondering about the name of the film, it's "Den-en ni shisu" also known as Pastoral Hide And Seek.) It was released in 1974. a few years later, Mr.Terayama died from liver failure. Quite bizarre isn't it? And there was another case of a girl who was dared to read the poem aloud by her friends in school and she died shortly after. In other reported cases, the victims get ill, car wrecks took place , and the victim can also feel the presence of an evil spirit lurking around.
MORAL : don't go around reading Japanese poems aloud you never know when they are cursed. 

      Teke-Teke (or Tek-Tek) is a legend about a girl who had a tragic accident and now has only her upper body. Her backstory of Teke-Teke  goes like this. There was a shy girl named Kashima Reiko who was often bullied by her classmates and one day after school when she was about to go home on the train, apparently her bullies were there too and they started making fun of her because she smelled a little that day so people started pushing around as they didn't want to be around her as smelled. Due to all the pushing, Reiko fell onto the railway track and the train ran over her and she was cut in half. The name Teke-Teke was given due to the sound she makes while crawling on the floor which sounded like "teke-teke".ccc According the legend, after you hear the story of  Teke-Teke, you will see her in exactly 3 days. It's been a month since I got to know this story  but I still didn't see her though. I am very disappointed. I don't know how this is so specific but Teke-Teke can crawl at the speed of 150 per hour, apparently. Teke-Teke usually haunts the train stations of Japan but sometimes, if you're lucky- I mean VERY VERY unlucky, you can see her in the streets, following you...
MORAL : don't bully asian girls, you never know when they might become a ghost and split you in half.



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